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    Discover Your Bahamas Student Educational Programme

    Over the years, our student educational programme has helped teachers bring their lesson plans to life by giving students in New Providence the opportunity to travel to the Family Islands to explore the culture and ecosystems they study in school each day. This past April, we enhanced our programme to extend the same opportunity to […]

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    Employee of the 2nd Quarter 2017: Devenney Kemp

    We are happy to honour our Employee of the Quarter for the 2nd quarter of 2017: Devenney Kemp! What’s your favourite quote? “I’m really looking forward to seeing what life brings to me” – Rihanna Do you have an office nickname? What is it? Dev Do you recall any embarrassing moment at work? I fell over a piece […]

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    Exuma National Family Island Regatta

    Bahamas Ferries is taking you to the Exuma National Family Island Regatta, April 25th - 29th. For more information please call 242-323-2166.
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    Bahamas Ferries partners with local organization to bring hunger and homelessness awareness

    Bahamas Ferries partnered with #HashtagLunchbag in December to bring awareness to the issues of homelessness and hunger in New Providence. The service initiative took place on Saturday, December 17, 2016 and saw a number of our employees collaborating with various civic organisations to prepare lunchbags with sandwiches, fruits, snacks and water for distribution to communities […]

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    Give the Gift of Travel this Christmas

    Nothing says Happy Holidays like a Bahamas Ferries Gift Card to travel to Abaco, andros, Eleuthera, Exuma, Grand Bahama or Long Island! Get the perfect gift today for family and friends at Bahamas Ferries. For more information please call 242-323-2166. For more information please call 242-323-2166.
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    Bahamas Ferries honours valued patrons with annual appreciation cruise

    At Bahamas Ferries, we recognise that we are nothing without our customers. So, it was with great pleasure that we welcomed our valued patrons aboard the Bohengy II for our 2nd Annual Sea Breeze & Honourees Customer Celebration Cruise on December 3rd, 2016. One hundred of our most frequent freight, group and regular passengers attended […]

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    Your Freight is our Freight

    For more information please call 242-323-2166.
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    South Abaco Sailings Summer 2016

    Bahamas Ferries offers services into South Abaco, June 17th - August 28th. Sailings: Saturday: Aboard Sealink, departing Nassau at 7:00 a.m. Aboard Sealink, departing South Abaco at 11:30 a.m. For more information please call 242-323-2166. South Abaco Agent: 242-225-0741
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    Governor’s Harbour Sailings Summer 2016

    Bahamas Ferries offers services into South Abaco, June 17th - August 28th. Sailings: Thursday: Aboard Seawind, departing Nassau at 7:00 a.m. Friday: Aboard Bo Hengy III, departing Nassau at 5:00 p.m.   Sunday: Aboard Bo Hengy III, departing Nassau at 4:30 p.m.   For more information please call 242-323-2166. Governor's Harbour: 242-225-9962
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    Honey, We’re Taking the Ferry

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